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Habit Rinconera

The corner version of the Habit is designed for that special corner of your room, emitting warmth and comfort throughout the environment.

Reversible front door
Interior lining of vermiculite
Steel combustion chamber

Habit Rinconera

Immerse yourself in the unique experience of the Habit 100 R, designed to occupy that special corner of your living space. Its wide view of the fire creates a pleasant focal point that transforms the entire area, inviting you to enjoy cozy and comfortable moments in your home.

Technical specifications
Optional elements
E2180V2+T Habit 100 R + T
  • Aire primario y secundario precalentado Preheated primary and secondary air
  • Base del fuego de vermiculita revestida en acero Vermiculite-coated steel fire base
  • Cámara de combustión de acero Steel combustion chamber
  • Cárter envolvente en acero de 6 mm 6 mm steel casing
  • Doble deflector, el superior con dos posiciones para ajustar el tiro Double deflector, upper with two positions for adjusting draught
  • Extracción frontal del cajón de cenizas Front ash drawer extraction
  • Kit de ventilación de 4 turbinas con dos velocidades automáticas y una manual 4-turbine ventilation kit with two automatic speeds and one manual
  • Posibilidad de entrada de aire exterior Possibility of entry of outside air
  • Puerta frontal reversible Reversible front door
  • Revestimiento interior de vermiculita Vermiculite interior lining
E2180V2+T Habit 100 R + T
85.30 %
11 Kw
7,50 - 12,50 kW
0.090 %
23 mg/Nm3
106 mg/Nm3
59 mg/Nm3
2,80 kg/h
186 kg
40 cm
E2180V2+T Habit 100 R + T
  • Leñeros de cada uno de les modelos Log holders of each of the models
  • Sin kit de ventilación bajo pedido No ventilation kit on request
  • Soporte pared Wall support
E2180V2+T Habit 100 R + T