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Thanks to its soft rounded shapes, the Drop brings comfort and calm to your home. It allows for a pleasant view of the fire from the front.

Grill grate and ash tray
Heat-resistant, smoke-resistant, and odor-resistant paint.
Direct pipe


The Drop is pure emotion. With its vertical design and rounded shapes, it seeks to adapt to the space while being the centerpiece of your home. Its interior space captures the intimate strength of the fire, radiating warmth and companionship into every corner of the room.

2 productos ↓
Mini Drop
Technical specifications
Optional elements
X1320 Drop
  • Aire primario y secundario precalentado Preheated primary and secondary air
  • Aire terciario o de seguridad Tertiary or safety air
  • Cristal vitrocerámico Vitroceramic glass
  • Doble cámara ventilada para aire caliente Double ventilated chamber for hot air
  • Pintura anticalórica, antihumo y antiolor Heat-resistant, smoke-resistant, and odor-resistant paint
  • Posibilidad de entrada de aire exterior Possibility of entry of outside air
  • Registro de aire primario y secundario Primary and secondary air register
  • Rejilla para la brasa y bandeja de cenizas Ember grate and ash tray
  • Remate de techo Roof finishing
  • Revestimiento interior de vermiculita de color negro Black vermiculite interior lining
  • Tubo directo Direct pipe
X1320 Drop
85,03 %
9,90 Kw
6,50 - 11,50 kW
0,093 %
9,00 mg/Nm3
113,00 mg/Nm3
68,00 mg/Nm3
2,64 kg/h
148 kg
33 cm
X1320 Drop
  • Pie opcional Optional base
Technical specifications
X1321 Mini Drop
  • Aire terciario o de seguridad Tertiary or safety air
  • Doble campana ventilada para aire caliente Double ventilated chamber for hot air
  • Pintura anticalórica, antihumo y antiolor Heat-resistant, smoke-resistant, and odor-resistant paint
  • Remate de techo Roof finishing
  • Tubo directo Direct pipe
X1321 Mini Drop
85,10 %
8,10 Kw
3,80 - 9,50 kW
0,073 %
29,00 mg/Nm3
92,00 mg/Nm3
63,00 mg/Nm3
2,10 kg/h
113 kg
25 cm

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