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Thanks to its ideal size and beautiful aesthetics, the D-7 is one of the most sought-after modern fireplaces. It fits perfectly in homes where design is essential.

Grill grate and ash tray
Direct pipe
Heat-resistant, smoke-resistant, and odor-resistant paint.


The elegance of the D-7 merges with its functionality and simplicity, transforming every space into a refuge of style and sophistication. A true gem for those who appreciate the art of design.

Technical specifications
Optional elements
X1280V5 D-7
  • Aire primario y secundario precalentado Preheated primary and secondary air
  • Aire terciario o de seguridad Tertiary or safety air
  • Cristal vitrocerámico Vitroceramic glass
  • Doble cámara ventilada para aire caliente Double ventilated chamber for hot air
  • Pintura anticalórica, antihumo y antiolor Heat-resistant, smoke-resistant, and odor-resistant paint
  • Registro de aire primario y secundario Primary and secondary air register
  • Rejilla para la brasa y bandeja de cenizas Ember grate and ash tray
  • Remate de techo Roof finishing
  • Revestimiento interior de vermiculita de color negro Black vermiculite interior lining
  • Tubo directo Direct pipe
X1280V5 D-7
88,00 %
6,60 Kw
4,50 - 8,00 kW
0,098 %
13,70 mg/Nm3
99,00 mg/Nm3
67,00 mg/Nm3
1,71 kg/h
113 kg
33 cm
X1280V5 D-7
  • Pie opcional Optional base

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